Module 2 - Impact (14 ECTS Credits)

Module outcomes:

  • Presentation of the impacts of natural and technological hazards.
  • Portrayal of the following processes:

    • Natural Disasters
    • Technical Disasters
    • Social Processes
    • Other Processes.

  • Identification and description of these processes, including differences and similarities in the context of the origin and evolution of such disasters.
  • Illustration of socio economic components, and critical reflection on their possible consequences on the impact of natural and technological hazards.
  • Focus on the vulnerability of critical infrastructure
  • Overview of critical infrastructures sectors (information and communication, transport and traffic, industry, energy, water, food, finance, health, etc.)
  • Analysis of direct and indirect consequences of natural hazards (?) on critical infrastructure.
  • Identification of the relevant components of vulnerability, exposure, susceptibility and coping capacity.
  • Demonstration of contemporary research methods and outcomes for assessing vulnerability and risk for critical infrastructure.
  • Comprehension of strategies for improving the resilience of critical infrastructures (preventive planning, maintenance, structural measures, relocation).
  • Participants acquire the ability to carry out risk assessments for organisations or systems (e.g. companies, products, projects) independently.
  • Knowledge of the ÖNORM D 4900.
  • Preparation of documentation for a project, including: initial situation and objectives, project scope and tasks with regard to the ON rules of risk management.

Key competences:

On completion of the module students will have obtained knowledge on ... / will be able to …

  • Various natural processes which can lead to disasters (e.g. floods, mass movements, earthquakes).
  • Various technological and man-made processes which can lead to disasters (e.g.: nuclear accidents, dam breaks, transport accidents, explosions, etc.)
  • The fundamentals of socioeconomic structure of societies and their implication in vulnerability.
  • Prerequisites and effects of various processes and their relations.
  • (The significance of) historical information/documentation on the occurrence of such events and their social consequences.
  • Define and classify critical infrastructure.
  • Understand the susceptibility of critical infrastructure to natural hazards and the measures for improving their resilience (stress tests and protective measures).
  • Develop and adapt protective strategies for critical infrastructure in Austria and Europe.
  • Develop adaptation strategies for new risks for critical infrastructures.
  • Application of the ÖNORM D 4900 in practice.
  • Carrying out risk assessments independently.
  • Preparation of relevant documentation.
  • Obtaining the "risk manager" certificate in accordance with the ÖNORM D 4900.