Core Themes and Goals

The aim of the master's program on "Risk Prevention and Disaster Management" is to convey knowledge, skills and competences that participants may apply in their current or future employment. Specialisation may be obtained through the elective module.

On completion of the master's program the graduates will be competent in:

  • Assessing and applying appropriate national and international theories and concepts of the disaster management cycle (Response, Recovery, Mitigation and Preparedness).
  • Identifying and assessing potential risks and disasters (in an interdisciplinary context).
  • Relevant background knowledge on the topic of risk prevention in the context of disasters, knowledge of the interrelations to other scientific disciplines and application of relevant operative procedures in disaster management.
  • Qualitative and quantitative scientific methods applicable in risk prevention and disaster management and be able to critically assess the applicability of such methods according to the relevant social and political environments and interrelations.
  • Developing research questions independently, including the formulation of hypotheses and goals, selection of methods, drafting of a work schedule as well as the collection, interpretation and presentation of data and results.
  • Conducting research and publishing information in various forms.
  • Looking beyond the restricted borders of individual disciplines, gaining a more holistic view on risk prevention and disaster management, as well as developing a flexible attitude and reaction towards the ever changing needs of populations and their environments and thus being able to rise to new work-related/professional challenges.
  • Applying methods competently through exercises and training.
  • Managing and coordinating workgroups, particularly taking up the lead during disaster relief scenarios on a national as well as an international level.