5 reasons for the Psychomotricity continuing education programme


1. Unique in Austria

The Viennese school of psychomotricity offers a comprehensive academic education in this field.


2. Practice-oriented and based on theory

The continuing education programme imparts knowledge on the theoretical fundamentals of the connection between movement, socialisation and personality development, which is helpful for systematic movement observation and for movement work in kindergarten and school and with adults and elderly people.


3. Enthusiasm and trust 

The psychomotor teaching and learning method creates enthusiasm and trust. It focuses on intrinsic motivation (self-determination) and efficient learning (learning with several senses).


4. Renowned experts from theory and practice

The lecturers of the Psychomotricity university continuing education programme are experts in their field.


5. Special qualification

In addition to the academic degree ‘Master of Arts’, graduates receive a qualification in psychomotor diagnostics/motodiagnostics.